Abundance is a catch word with scientific beginnings. Many of you have heard a great deal about the Law of Attraction and may be applying it to your life right now. Abundance is one of the most important guiding principles of attraction. Encarta defines abundance as “a more than plentiful quantity of something”, “a lifestyle with more than adequate provisions”, or “a fullness of spirit that overflows”. With this sense of abundance comes a desire to give to others.
A great number of us already are giving back in creative ways, but plenty of us have the intention of giving more, yet are frozen from taking action because of fear. In "The Trance of Scarcity", Victoria Castle discusses the idea of “Inspired Giving”. She talks about changing our mindset of giving from the idea that we “should”, to a place of plenty and abundance, ease, and deep pleasure. If we truly believe in our hearts that there is enough for all to share and that our resources are plentiful, then we can give more and more often without worrying about limited resources. It is a shame that in today’s society, where many resources are so plentiful, we still live our lives with this scarcity mentality.
Focusing on material goods or the lack there of, often causes us to measure ourselves against each other in unrealistic ways. If we live our life from the perspective that there is not enough to go around, we will be living our lives grasping at all that is around us, afraid to share, for fear that if someone else “has” then we “have not”. Where does it say that if someone else celebrates or succeeds, then someone else must suffer?
This idea touches many aspects of our lives. This fear that there is not enough to go around can relate to time, money, people, customers, love, attention, and peace. Hording these objects for fear that there is not enough, stops the natural cycle of energy and flow. We hold on to what we are most afraid to lose, yet we don’t realize that if we would only let go, we would create space and motion for more. Picture this - hands that are open to give will thenbe open to receive.
So, how do we “give thankfully” and free ourselves from our fear of scarcity?
- Count your blessings daily. What are the things you already have in your life that you are thankful for? Keep it simple and always find something.
- Find the resources you have available to you at this time (human, financial, time) to help you get to where you want to be. Often looking at what resources we have helps melt away the fear and sense of lack.
- Acknowledge what you already are giving. Where do you give your time, energy, money and ideas? Are you already giving to family members in everyday ways? If you are already giving yourself on a daily basis, make sure to acknowledge this generosity and balance it with self-care.
- Align your giving with a passion and make it fun!