As a dutiful daughter, wife, mom and even employee I have often put what was needed in these roles ahead of what I needed. Somewhere along the line I decided the outcome was more important than the process, that others were more important than me, that life had to be either or.
In serving others I was telling myself a false story that I could not serve myself. (Tweet that!)
Now, I realize that I can do both and so can you!
I believe we know this as children, but somewhere along the way we stop listening to the quiet messages of joyful living … the messages that help us to live in this concrete world in beauty, peace and love … authentically … while still serving others.
How in the world do you do that, you ask?
You must at all times follow what Rumi says and, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.”
Planning dinner for your family? Be pulled by what you love. Add your favorite ingredients. Add pleasure to the process. Cook with others. Shop at a farm stand for ingredients.
Working on a project for work? Be pulled by what you love. Set up a work environment that supports you. Add photos, inspirational quotes, plants, flowers or soothing music.
Life is full of responsibilities and I don’t suggest that you ignore them and only follow your pleasure, but in all you do … the chores, the mindless tasks, the work projects, and even the silent breaks alone … I challenge you to let yourself be drawn.
This is the secret to a balanced and authentic life, because we can only create a life of our own free of bitterness, regret, jealousy, and resentment, if we follow the pull of what we love.
In order to even hear or feel this pull we must create time and space in our schedules to sit in silence and listen to our souls. What are they asking for? Where are they taking you? What do you really love? Whether this is through a morning run, a walk in nature, quiet time journaling, or meditation, find time to be still and listen to this voice inside. If you do, eventually you will feel the pull. Don’t judge it. Just follow it. Faithfully. Love knows.
I’d love to hear how you have added this principle to an average task. Please share in the comments below. Do you have a friend who’s also seeking balance and fulfillment in the everyday, please share this post with them also with them also!