In a past blog post I spoke of the power of female friendships, but this post is to share an epiphany of sorts that I had regarding achieving our heart’s desires, that may actually seem a bit contradictory.
Basically it comes down to this: you cannot expect anyone else to give you what you want - not your husband, not your boss, not your mom, not your child, and no, not even your best friend. You are the one who must give to yourself that which you want the most. This is true for all – love, freedom, joy, adventure, appreciation, courage, and even growth.
If you wait for others - even your closest loved ones - to validate you or give you permission, appreciation, or even love, you will never achieve the true feeling you are seeking, and may never find satisfaction. You will have given the power of your happiness away and therefore will have no right to control the outcome. Their feelings, actions, and desires belong to them, you see.
Sounds rough, I know. I don’t mean to sound like this is a negative, because there is actually a much surer way to assure that you are able to attain your desire…and it is under your control. Better yet, the outcome can be exactly as you would wish it to be! What is the key you ask?
Do, give and be these qualities to yourself!!!
Love yourself. Have an adventure with yourself. Appreciate yourself. Take a chance on yourself. Believe in yourself. Surprise yourself. Act on your own behalf.
All of the things you are waiting to receive from others are things you can give to yourself – simply, directly, and without strings attached.
And do you know what will happen when you do? Others will join in. Releasing them from your expectations often allows you to be surprised by their generosity. You have allowed them to give from their own heart.
So, go ahead, stop expecting this from others and give it to yourself, and watch the magic that happens when you do!