Sometimes our deepest fear hides below the surface and eats away at our self esteem without us even identifying what it is.
We all have moments in our past that we let define who we are, what we are good at, and what we are not good at. Most of these moments are false. We allowed someone else to define our strengths and weaknesses and now we live our life by these unspoken rules.
Take a moment and think back to you early school days. Maybe t was a comment by a teacher. Maybe it was something that happened on the play ground. We listened to what this person said and good or bad, true or false, we made it our truth.
When we are afraid to look at these beliefs, or act in a way that is counter to them, we let them rule our reality ... and yet they are not reality. Only you know your reality. Deep on the inside. You know this reality by what you love ... what you are drawn to ... what makes the time fly.
So please, take some time to listen to your heart. Face those fears. Know the truths. Once you draw those fears to the surface and identify them for what they are ... false ... you will be free.