As busy women , whole women, worry fear and anger are very real parts of our everyday living. Fighting against these feelings or judging ourselves for feeling a certain way is never helpful. You know what I mean. We judge ourselves for our feelings and worries all of the time.
We say things like, "I shouldn't feel angry," or "I shouldn't worry."
Thich Nhat Han said, "Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work."
So next time you are overwhelmed by fear or anger, try this exercise.
Sit in a peaceful, quiet setting. Play soft music appropriate for meditation if you'd like. Just sit comfortably and let the feelings flow. Just let them be. Don't try to change them. Don't judge them. Sit with them. Honor them. Embrace them and release them. Let them float away.
Be patient. Healing takes time, but remember you have the natural ability to find peace within ourselves.
Meditation can help!