Why does this quote seem so simple yet so challenging? Last month, our home suffered damage to several rooms on 3 different floors when, like many others in New England, a pipe burst. I found that before I could make a plan or take any action, I needed to get quiet and centered.
From this centered place, I was able to go through all of the damaged belongings and saturated “stuff”. I began thinking about what is important to me. What did I want to keep and what could I let go of? By asking myself these questions I could more easily assess how things fit in harmony with my life. Listening to my gut, I was able to easily save, dump, or donate each item.
This is only one example of tuning in to feelings in order to know what truly matters. In a way, this was an easy example, but I also bring the lesson of this quote into my daily living. As I go through each day and make decisions on how to spend my time, I try to take the time to pause and ask myself if it fits in harmony with my values. Taking time to be present and make thoughtful choices instead of swift reactions, has helped weed out a lot of the busy-ness I previously filled my schedule with.
What’s my next step, you ask? The big stuff! We all have commitments in our life that are no longer in harmony with our true values. We often try to talk ourselves out of the feelings of discomfort or resentment by convincing ourselves that this is just how life is, BUT I truly believe that if we settle in this space of discord too long, our life and our health will suffer.
So, my bold move is to seek this sense of harmony in both the little and the big in my life and see what it reveals. Life is about choices, and the choices are ours to make. From now on, I am choosing harmony!