Today I experienced a life lesson so clear it was like a gift all wrapped and neatly tied waiting for me to open and learn from it. My morning started with a really great conversation with a fellow co-worker who happened to ask how my summer was. I explained how my oldest was starting at college and how challenging the transition was in the beginning, but how great the fit is for him and how well he is doing. She shared her experience with her daughters who are a bit older and we reflected on the challenges for us in letting go and letting them grow.
She hit a heart chord in me when she spoke about how even though things have changed and her girls are further away, there is something so wonderful and amazing in sharing in their adult life and adventures ... something so great in experiencing life in this new relationship with them.
This shift in my perspective on my son's growth was almost immediate, and we both got choked up as I shared with her why what she said was so important to me. You see, I lost my mom the April of my senior year of high school and my dad during my junior year of college. I hadn't had much of a chance to share my college or adult adventures with my parents, so I wasn't able to see this amazing stage that is just beginning in the relationship with my son! In my mind this stage was an ending.
What a revelation! Yes, I miss my son, but I am so excited for him to experience all the new beginnings: the excitement of life in Boston, new academic challenges as he pursues his passion, and the independence of college life. Instead of seeing an ending, I now look forward to all the beginnings as life unfolds through his eyes. What a gift!