“I distinctly remember a session we had where I was starting to waiver regarding choosing a path that made more sense cognitively, but would require me to really “work” hard because it so went against the grain of what my inner voice was saying. I remember trying to rationalize this and started to compile a list of evidence to support the path that made logical sense. My list included things like “It’s within my field of study, I’m already considered an “expert” at much of this, I’ll get paid a lot more money, I’ll have more power & prestige, etc…”
After compiling this extensive list verbally, I was then trying to convince myself by talking to Melissa about how I knew that one must pay and go through a period of difficulty and struggle to ultimately “arrive” at what they want. I was visualizing though how hard it would be as I could feel how completely unmotivated I was about taking this particular path that made logical sense. She then asked me why I thought it was supposed to be hard. And then asked where this belief came from.
This was a real break-through for me as I started to question the perception I was currently holding around this. I will always remember that session and it has helped me numerous times to pay attention to the difference between motivated, inspired hard work and just plain old work because it’s going against your inner voice & guidance. ”
— Cathy F. Berkley, MA
“I haven’t been to yoga or the gym in months. And I miss it. I am all out of balance. I meditate, but it isn’t enough. Working with Melissa reminded me to be mindful of my own needs. I am just as important as the kids, and I need to be healthy in order for the children to benefit.
— Sue B. Brockton, MA
“Working with Melissa I have developed a mindset that approaches my life as a teacher with a sense of balance. She reminded me not to “busy” myself to death!”
— Eleri M. Brockton, MA
“In working with Melissa I gained a positive outlook and collaboration. I realized the importance of focusing on self as well as others.”